opt to adopt
When you choose to adopt an animal from a rescue organization, you are saving the lives of multiple animals! Thank you for choosing to adopt from a rescue!
Adoptable Cats |
we currently have no Adoptable Dogs |
We can't do it without you
NAPS operates on donations from our corporate sponsors and private donors, and the few grants we can get. We appreciate your support!

Nanton Animal Protection Society is affiliated with the Animal Welfare Coalition of Alberta.
The role of the Animal Welfare Coalition of Alberta (AWC) is to facilitate animal welfare organizations to work together to provide strategic direction and leadership to promote responsible pet guardianship, to work together when addressing animal welfare to key community stakeholders and government bodies, and to represent a professional animal welfare community.
The role of the Animal Welfare Coalition of Alberta (AWC) is to facilitate animal welfare organizations to work together to provide strategic direction and leadership to promote responsible pet guardianship, to work together when addressing animal welfare to key community stakeholders and government bodies, and to represent a professional animal welfare community.
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